>> Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I think it's time I returned here.

I opened a book today, one that has been sitting on my shelf for 6 years.  On the very first page of the very first chapter, I found the little penciled in words of a much younger me tucked neatly in the empty spaces.  As I read each word, I felt myself transported back to a time where I felt that the entire world was at my fingertips.  That my entire being was just on the brink of becoming who it was meant to be, and the excitement and deep desire to know who and what that was was just overflowing.  Then I opened my little blog, to the place where my words and thoughts lived for a brief period.  I was a writer then.  I was a lover, learner, explorer.  I was yearning to be a free spirit.
I reflected on all these moments and  I came to a realization.  That is me now.  That is me always.

I think it's time I returned here.


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